Category Archives: Prescription Drug Defects

Jury Awards $27.8 Million to Plaintiffs Harmed by Xarelto
When a corporation shows a complete indifference to the health and safety of the general public, they should be held accountable. That was the message sent by a jury to Bayer AG and Johnson & Johnson. The jury ordered these corporate behemoths to pay $27.8 million to a married couple as a result of… Read More »
The Side Effects of Prescription Drugs
Medical malpractice accounts for 210,000 to 440,000 deaths per year, according to the Journal of Patient Safety. Furthermore, unsafe prescription drugs permanently alter or take the lives of thousands of patients. It was not that long ago that the majority of people in the U.S. didn’t have an assortment of little orange plastic bottles… Read More »
Low T Drugs Causing Deadly Side Effects
A recent phenomenon in the medical community is the diagnosis of “Low T” and the advent of numerous Low T (short for Low Testosterone) medications like Androgel, Androderm, and Axiron. These drugs are marketed exclusively to men who may have seen a decline in their testosterone production. What many men do not know that… Read More »
Xarelto May Cause Life-Threatening Side Effects
You develop serious internal bleeding. You go the ER for help. Unfortunately, there is no way to stop it. You are likely to either suffer severe internal pain and injuries, or even die, as a result. This, unfortunately, is a scenario that many Xarelto users are now having to confront. Xarelto, a popular prescription… Read More »